MamaceraM in the media

The truth is, I am really happy that MamaceraM can finally be known in a more legitimate way with the help of the media. First,

Infant massage

Infant massage offers numerous benefits to both babies and their parents or caregivers. As a leader of infant massage workshops, I have witnessed the incredible

Heal our inner child

As my daughters get older and I see how their inner world becomes more and more complex, I realize that absolutely all of us should

How to store breast milk

Today I am going to talk to you about how to keep a good store of your breast milk, so that if at any time

What would you do for your child?

Dear friends: What wouldn’t we do for our children? Today, I’m here to set the scene. Many of us, and I don’t mean all, when

Artificial breastfeeding

What is artificial breastfeeding? Formula breastfeeding is an alternative to breastfeeding in which the baby is fed milk through formulas. These formulas differ greatly and

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