Infant massage

Infant massage offers numerous benefits to both babies and their parents or caregivers. As a leader of infant massage workshops, I have witnessed the incredible

Maternity Care

Núria, Beatriz and Noelia are three midwives united by a beautiful project called Maternity Care; a platform where they inform about fertility, childbirth, postpartum and

Postpartum girdle, yes or no?

Today I am here to recommend a product, not because I have used it, but quite the opposite. On Monday, Laura Caldarola talked about her

Enough boob!

Well yes, enough of the tit. There is a day or days, or weeks or months… that we moms consider weaning our little ones. For

Moon Diagram

Cycles. Women are cyclical. Just like the moon, just like the seasons, the night and the day…whether we like it or not, whether we believe

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