A year ago I won the prize for the sustainable and artisan product and the second prize for the artisan woman awarded by the Crafts Center of the Valencian Community. Thanks to them and their emails I found out about the subsidies granted by the Generalitat Valenciana.
As it almost always happens to me in cases where I apply for something (basically it is presenting papers and more papers) I do it at the last minute and with my tongue almost hanging out due to the rush.
This was at the beginning of October. And do you know why I remember the date? because I broke my foot…how can I forget it.
These subsidies are the AVALEM ARTESANIA (in case you want to take a look) and are the responsibility of the Conselleria d’ Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball. Its objectives: to promote competitiveness and innovation.
They are subsidies intended to help with the costs of marketing products made by artisanal SMEs, which I think is excellent. Because if the SMEs have a bad time, the SMEs who dedicate themselves to crafts have it, sometimes, more than bad. Although I have the impression that more and more what is done “as usual” is taking off. And thanks to the fact that there are subsidies like this, we have it easier.
In my case, I am more than happy because they have granted me the subsidy for marketing and promotion. In my case it translates into 45% of advertising expenses or what is the same, 953 euros that will cover the costs of packaging, brochures, image change… What a gift from Santa Claus and the Three Kings. I’m like my daughters when they open the gift they’ve been asking for half a year before.
I couldn’t be more grateful because for me this is recognition of my work. It makes me see that what I do is worth doing. I know that my product is useful for moms, but there are always moments of weakness.
So, the path of the entrepreneur is hard but there is help. If we scratch, if we search… and above all, if we persevere and believe firmly in what we do, recognition comes surely.
Happy Breastfeeding!