Breastfeeding, a question of education

For a few months now I have been thinking about this reflection in the form of a post. The idea arose in the month of May, when I was visiting (professionally) in a hospital in Valencia. I spoke to several midwives and paediatricians and unfortunately we all came to the same conclusion. Currently, although much is being done for breastfeeding, there is a disconnection from it.

It is an educational fact on several levels because it is not an act that is easily seen in our environment. We do not see it normalized on television, for example, nor in the streets (that is, shops, cafes, shopping centers, parks…) it is rare to see.

To date I have also not seen toys that show a mother breastfeeding her child. A baby with a bottle, yes, but a baby suckling, no.

And on the other hand at an academic level. Breastfeeding is not talked about much in schools. And what in my view is more serious, is that it is not taken into account in medical studies either. Not even in the specialty as specific as pediatrics. It is not a fact that I have taken out of my sleeve, I know it because some doctors have told it to me.

Obviously nurses and midwives yes but for the rest of the health professionals no.

This also means that within the medical sector there is no consensus; When the midwife says one thing, the pediatrician says something completely different. What is achieved is to make the mother dizzy and sometimes she renounces breastfeeding. Mostly because of insecurities. Luckily there are breastfeeding groups where more and more mothers share experiences and where there are good professionals assisting these mothers.

At this point I consider the need to raise awareness among the youngest members of our society from the main axes at these ages, which are families and schools. Little by little there is not so much rejection of breastfeeding but there is still a lot of work to do and I think it is a task that falls to us by setting an example and preaching with the word.

There are several campaigns in the world where mannequins or cardboard figures are shown in busy places that represent mothers breastfeeding their children. I think it’s a very good idea to make the simple act of feeding your children seem normal.

Do you know of any similar initiative in these parts? I would love to meet them.

And above all, Happy Breastfeeding!

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