
Today I had lunch with some fellow students, from when I was studying dental hygiene a few years ago. It was a meeting that I

Maternity Care

Núria, Beatriz and Noelia are three midwives united by a beautiful project called Maternity Care; a platform where they inform about fertility, childbirth, postpartum and

MamaceraM and the heat

With the arrival of summer also come almost, almost hellish temperatures. Summer, I don’t deny it, has its positive side, but when the thermometers get

Congratulations, there are two of you!

I imagine that when during the first ultrasound the gynecologist tells the mom something like…I see twins!! It must be a little disturbing. At first

How to protect crafts

At the end of this month of June I will be in Madrid talking about the MamaceraM process. I will be hand in hand with


I have always been fascinated by the bee, from how those little wings move their body, the organization within the hives, their perfect hexagons, honey,

The doubt of undertaking.

MamaceraM is a project that was born when I was already a mother; In fact I can say that it was born because I was

Details of a cesarean section

Today the post is somewhat special because it is the first-person account of a mother who suffered an emergency cesarean section. It was not easy

Postpartum girdle, yes or no?

Today I am here to recommend a product, not because I have used it, but quite the opposite. On Monday, Laura Caldarola talked about her

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