I have always been fascinated by the bee, from how those little wings move their body, the organization within the hives, their perfect hexagons, honey, wax, propolis… or what I explain to you today, the use of their poison. There is a saying about the pig that they take advantage of it, even its gait… what about the bee? And of course, pollination, which we think is nonsense but without bees, bumblebees and some insects the problems can be devastating. But this is a topic for another entry. I better focus.

What is apitherapy?

Today I’m going to talk to you about apitherapy, which for those of you who don’t know, is the therapeutic use of bees, specifically their venom. Although it is true that bees also use propolis, honey, wax, royal jelly and even the air of the hive, the therapy I am talking about refers exclusively to the sting.

As with all natural therapies, there are detractors to its use; They affirm that there are no conclusive medical studies that support apitherapy.

Those in favor assure that each time it is shown that they can cure or remedy certain ailments. In fact, there are studies underway in San Francisco and Washington that give hope to patients with Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.

How is it the procedure?

Basically this will depend on the therapist because there are those who inject the venom directly from the bee and there are those who manipulate the venom but not the insect. There are also several ways to proceed in the place where the poison is applied; Either it is done directly on the area to be treated or at any point and the bloodstream will deliver this substance.

The venom used is that of the common bee or honey bee (the one that produces honey). Drones and the queen are ruled out. The pitoxin (the poison in question) and its properties pass into the blood and it travels through the body, acting where it is needed.

One of the components of pitoxin, methinin, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it is also a good antiseptic that, if applied taking into account the acupuncture points, its effect is reinforced.

Some diseases that this therapy is treating are:

– rheumatic diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis or bursitis or tennis elbow.

– cardiovascular: hypertension, arrhythmias or varicose veins.

– skin problems: eczema, psoriasis or warts.

– lung problems: pulmonary obstruction, emphysema or asthma

– infections such as laryngitis or mastitis.

Can everyone use it?

Although we are talking about a natural therapy, not everyone can use it. For starters, children are banned. There are also people who are allergic precisely to bee stings. What is usually done with these patients is to try small doses until they are immunized. Patients who have problems with blood fluidity such as bleeding ulcers or those who may have adverse reactions with beta-blocking medications or opiates are also not suitable for this type of therapy.

Other healing properties derived from bees.

Leaving aside apitherapy, the rest of the products that come from these insects can also be used as a complement:

Honey and pollen: contain natural acids, minerals, proteins and antihemorrhagic properties.

Bee bread (food produced to feed the babies) which is rich in vitamin K (helps blood clotting)

Royal Jelly: increases the level of cortisol in the blood.

Wax: healing and anti-inflammatory (as MamaceraM users will know)

Propolis: antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antihemorrhagic.

And you, did you know this therapy? If so, I would love for you to tell me how the experience was and if you have obtained an improvement in your ailments.

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