What is artificial breastfeeding?
Formula breastfeeding is an alternative to breastfeeding in which the baby is fed milk through formulas. These formulas differ greatly and usually consist of animal and vegetable fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. These formulas are made to provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients.
When should I use artificial breastfeeding?
Artificial breastfeeding should only be used after consulting a pediatrician and when there are problems with breastfeeding. There are several reasons why your baby may not latch on properly or breastfeed effectively. Common causes of poor breastfeeding include incorrect breastfeeding technique, illness, or pain. The pediatrician is the best person to help you determine the origin of the problem and give you recommendations.
Benefits and risks of artificial breastfeeding
Formula breastfeeding can have several advantages if the formula milk is of good quality and the quantities are controlled. Below are some of the advantages:
If the mother cannot breastfeed, bottle feeding may be the only option for the baby. In such a case, it is really important to provide the child with all the necessary nutrients for proper growth and development.
Artificial breastfeeding allows more mobility and flexibility, since the baby does not need to be breastfed at the mother’s breast.
You just have to make sure that the hygiene of the bottle and nipple is maintained.
Dad’s turn:
Since the artificial breastfeeding process does not require the direct presence of the mother, the father can also get involved and help in the feeding process.
The potential risk of using formula feeding is that it may cause some allergic, digestive or absorption problems. Again, it is best to consult with a pediatrician to guide you about the risks of artificial breastfeeding.
How to correctly breastfeed your baby
The process of artificial breastfeeding does not differ significantly from that of breastfeeding. Parents should maintain a calm and relaxed environment when feeding the baby to ensure good digestion.
The following are some tips for feeding your baby correctly:
Establish a suitable feeding schedule:
Parents should establish an appropriate feeding schedule, with maximum intervals of 3 to 4 hours.
Prepare the formula:
Parents should carefully prepare the correct amount of formula for the baby to consume. Additionally, parents should make sure the formula is at the right temperature before giving it to the baby.
Parents should hold the baby so that he or she latches onto the bottle comfortably. Parents should try to change the position from time to time to avoid discomfort.
Additionally, parents should ensure that the baby’s head is positioned so that the formula milk is swallowed slowly.
When the baby has finished eating, parents should gently pat him on the back to help him burp. This soothes the baby and makes it easier for parents to care.
Bottle and nipple hygiene:
Parents should always make sure the bottle and nipple are clean before using them to feed the baby. It is advisable to periodically sterilize the bottle and nipple to maintain proper dirt prevention.
Types of suitable formulas
There is no one formula that is right for all babies, as it will usually depend on the baby’s tolerance, primary source of nutrition, or other dietary needs. It is important to consult your pediatrician to advise you on the most appropriate formula.
Cow’s milk formulas: These formulas are very easily digested and are often considered the best when it comes to providing the baby with the necessary nutrients.
Soy protein formulas: These formulas are usually best for babies with a low tolerance to cow’s milk. They are also a good source of essential nutrients for your baby.
Premature Infant Formulas: These formulas are specially designed to provide premature infants with the nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development.
Lactose-free formulas: These formulas are an alternative for babies who are allergic or intolerant to lactose.
In conclusion
Every parent’s priority has always been to make sure their child is healthy and eating properly. In some cases, problems with breastfeeding may arise, which can be solved by giving them artificial milk. I recommend (we will always ask the professional) that from week 38 of pregnancy, we can begin to express milk if we see fit and store it in the freezer once it has cooled, in case there are any complications after delivery to be able to give it to our baby our milk and no other. Artificial milk is very good as long as all avenues for giving breast milk have been exhausted. No matter how good artificial milk is, it can never be compared to that of a mother, because as mammals that we are, our milk is designed and adapted for our babies, without creating allergies, without intolerances and easy to digest, not to mention the countless bonds that are created between mother and baby and the health that it brings to the mother of the moment and prevention of future diseases. If it were very necessary, you could alternate between one and the other or express breast milk in the pump from artificial breastfeeding until the problem is rectified or opt for it. From all of us, I respect the family that decides to give formula milk to their children, but it is my duty as a health professional and defender of breastfeeding, to inform you from a professional and critical point of view.
AAAH!! a fact that will matter a lot to you.
If your choice is artificial milk, inform you that it has an approximate cost of €14,000 per year.